Applications to IMAT for 2022-23 A.Y.
Applicants for Medicine and Surgery course can enrol only after having successfully passed the entrance IMAT examination tests required.
The 2022 Medical Admissions Test for European students will take place on September 13th in Rome at 12:00 and many other cities across the world (see here the complete list). You can find the Ministry offical call and procedures here (IT), the specific and detailed local procedures here (IT) and here (EN), and the Ministry instruction about the academic qualification obtained abroad) here (IT) and here (EN) or the local instruction here (EN). The detailed program of the 2022 test is available(Annex A) (IT) and here (EN).
Admissions to IMAT: from July the 4th to the 15:00 (GMT+2) of July the 22nd 2022 on www.universitaly.it. The 30th of August 2022 will be issued on MIUR website and on Uniroma2.it website the list of admitted students as well as the classrooms where the students will take place. At the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, candidates will have to arrive at 09.00 in the classrooms they have been allocated to. The exam will start at 12.00 (GMT +2).
Details about admission rules
The following candidates are considered EU citizens:
- citizens of Italy and other countries within the European Union;
- citizens who possess a dual-nationality passport with citizenship in Italy and another country outside the EU or anywhere in the EU;
- the citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and the Republic of San Marino;
- non-EU citizens holding (a) a valid long term residence permit in Italy or (b) a residence permit issued for employment or self-employment, for family reasons, political asylum, asylum for humanitarian or religious reasons;
- non-EU citizens legally resident in Italy for no less than one year as of registration for the admission test (with a different residence permit from previous point (b)) and who have obtained an Italian university degree.
- non-EU citizens, residing anywhere who hold a secondary diploma from Italian schools abroad or foreign or international schools (either in Italy or abroad) having bilateral agreements or special regulations for the recognition of qualifications and who satisfy the general conditions required to be admitted to study in Italy (the complete list of these schools can be found here).
- Non-EU citizens with a valid residence permit for students, who have already registered with an Italian university in previous academic years.
- Personnel serving in diplomatic offices abroad or international organisms seated in Italy (accredited with Italy or the Holy Seat) and their families (spouses and children).
For any further information please check.
Student guide book for pre-enrollment and enrollment here.
Application Procedures.
European Citizens & Non-EU Citizen (with Italian Residence):
- Apply for the 2022-23 a.y from the 4th of July to the 15:00 (GMT+2) of 22nd of July 2022 directly to www.universitaly.it. Put our University as first choice. 25 places for European Citizens & Non-EU Citizen with Italian Residence are available for A.Y. 2022-23.
- Put our University as first choice. 25 places for European Citizens & Non-EU Citizen with Italian Residence are available.
- Once admitted to the Programme you will receive an Acceptance Letter from our Admissions Office.
- Are included in the same ranking list of Italian citizens for the IMAT exam.
- Candidates do not require competence in Italian but a B1 italian certificate will be required when the student will be enrolled at the 3rd year.
Please note that Non-EU citizens residing in Italy must have a valid residence permit (permesso di soggiorno). These also include natives of Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and San Marino.
Non-EU citizens residing abroad:
- Candidates must submit a pre-application request to www.Universitaly.it website. Afterwords, thay must drop by the Italian Embassy or Consulate in their country of residence and ask for the papers they need for IMAT enrollment. Translate the documents if needed, at their trusted translators, as they will indicate. Ask what documents should you prepare and translate for student visa (if one is needed in your case).
- To find out whether an entry visa is required and what documentation is required to apply for one, consult the Italian Government website. In any case you must contact your nearest Italian Consulate or Embassy in your home country (quick link for: UK, USA, Germany, Israel, Ireland). All dates reported below are official unless marked with **.
- Pre-enrollment is available at the Italian Embassies about from the first week of June to mid-July 2021** (please check on your country Italian Embassy the specific deadline )
- The Embassy must issue you with: your legalized and translated high school diploma;
- the Declaration of value of your qualification
- legalized and translated versions of any other academic and post-secondary certificates;
- an authenticated passport photo and an entry visa to Italy. To find out whether an entry visa is required and what documentation is required to apply for one, visit the Italian Government website.
- A legalised and translated version of the certificate listing the exams you have passed (translation is not required for exams originally produced in English);
- A translation of the curriculum (translation is not required for the second cycle degree programmes produced in English);
- A legalised and translated version of any other academic and post-secondary certificates.
Apply for the 2022-23 a.y from the 4th of June to 22nd of July 2022 directly to www.universitaly.it. Put our University as first choice. 10 places for Non-EU Citizen are available .
- Candidates are placed in a seperate ranking list than the EU Citizens and Non-EU citizens residing in Italy.
- Please note again that this step is about obtaining the Dichiarazione di Valore – a document confirming that your graduation diploma is sufficient for studying in Italy and all the other documents you nedd to appluy for IMAT. Note, this is not the IMAT exam enrollment procedure yet (see later).
Valid documents
For details concerning the validity of qualifications obtained abroad, the available places and the procedures for the pre-application, consult the ministerial regulations (Italian text, usually updated in March**), in particular the attaches 1 and 2.
All documents must be officially translated into Italian and authenticated by the authorities of the country in which they were issued – except in the case of specific international agreements and conventions that provide for exemption.
Each degree/diploma/title must be accompanied by the Dichiarazione di valore in loco (Statement of validity), issued by the Italian Embassy in the country in which the qualification was awarded.
Please note that these are general information, for further details about the admission conditions and procedures, please consult the ministerial regulations (italian text).
Applications for admission to academic years following year one of the one-cycle master degree course in Medicine and Surgery in English, may be presented only for the years of the course in which there are places available and
ONLY THROUGH THE ONLINE PROCEDURE: http://delphi.uniroma2.it
according to the methods indicated below, starting from mid November 2021** after the issue of a specific call on this site.
Call for the admission here.
- From the 4h of June, 2022: Online pre-enrollment for IMAT on www.universitaly.it. Please note that you cannot enroll in the IMAT until the enrollment is officially announced. It is not open the whole year. For A.Y. 2022-23 enrollments deadline is the 22nd of July 2022 (h. 15.00 italian time). If you’re curious, you can see how the online procedure worked a few years ago, in this video. Short stay visas may be given to all non-EU students who will take the exam in Italy. Please note that this is not yet the student visa which all non-EU will need to enroll to the University after passing the exam. The latter requires an acceptance letter from the University in order to be made and is supposed to be done later after successfully passed the IMAT exam.
- September the 13th 2022 (h12.00 GMT+2): The IMAT exam takes place in the examination centers around the world. You can take the test at one of the international medical schools that require IMAT (the one that you select as your first choice) OR at one of the many authorised test centres around the world.You will be able to find a list of test centres on the IMAT website nearer the test date: admissionstesting.org/imat
- For further information about IMAT and last trials please go here.
The score is determined by the Cambridge Assessment according to the terms of art. 6 of this call, and CINECA, on behalf of the MIUR, on 23rd of September 2020 only publishes the score obtained by the candidates according to the label code on www.universitaly.it in compliance with the rules for the protection of personal data. This data remains available in the area reserved for the candidates until the completion of the procedures.
With regard to the number of places available for registration and subsequent participation in the one cycle degree courses, candidates considered eligible include European Union and non European Union members in accordance with Article 26 of Law No.189 / 2002, together with, considering the number of places available, non European Union students residing abroad, who have been included in the ranking list in accordance with art. 8 of this call. Candidates belonging to all the aforementioned categories are eligible for admission to the undergraduate course, on condition they obtain a minimum score of twenty (20) points in the entrance test. Unsuccessful candidates are not included in the ranking list. In accordance with the Community guidelines regarding access to foreign students to university education and in line with the cultural foreign policy requirements of art. 46 of Presidential Decree n. 394/1999, with regard to the number of places available for non European Union applicants resident abroad, the minimum eligibility threshold is not applicable. Any places not used in the ranking lists of non European Union members residing abroad MAY NOT BE USED for the benefit of European and non European Union citizens in accordance with art. 26 of Law 189/2002 given that they belong to separate quotas and are intended for separate purposes.
For the evaluation of the test, a maximum of 90 points shall be awarded taking into account the following criteria:
- 1,5 points for each correct answer;
- Subtraction of 0,4 (-0.4) points for each wrong answer;
- 0 points for each omitted answer.
The Cineca, on the basis of the score obtained by each candidate and calculated according to the Cambridge Assessment, draws up a single national ranking list for European Union and Non European Union candidates in accordance with Article 26 of Law No.189/2002 and in accordance with the procedures set out in art .8 of the call. The ranking list for foreign citizens residing abroad is defined by the University.
Should scores be equal, the following criteria are applied:
A) The candidate’s score in the questions of logical reasoning, general culture, biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics is considered in descending order;
B) possession of linguistic certification referred to in Annex 3 by the date of closure of the enrollment, and declared by the candidate in their entrance test application. The possession of language certification required for candidates participating in the present call is self-certified and in accordance with art. 46 of D.P.R. n. 445/2000. The Administrations involved in this procedure can, at any stage of the procedure, reserve the right to ascertain the veracity of the declaration made by the applicant, in accordance with the relevant laws in force. Candidates must therefore provide all the necessary information to enable verification should they be requested. Should the documentation submitted by the candidate be found to be false or misleading, regardless of the the penalties laid out in the Criminal Code and relevant special laws (Articles 75 and 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000) and the payment of damages to the affected parties, the registration of the candidate will be cancelled, any benefits granted will be recuperated and any taxes and university fees paid will be withheld.
C) In cases where the equal scores remain, the younger candidate is elected.
Except as required by the provisions of the Art. 8 of the call, the closing of the ranking list will be organized by a ministerial order to be issued in the second academic semester, so that students can meet the minimum attendance requirements in order to be able to take exams. Once the ranking lists have been closed, all eligible candidates that have confirmed their interest in enrollment will be assigned and will have to register within the time limit set out in the above-mentioned provisions. Those who, once the registration deadline has gone by, have not registered in the degree program they have been assigned to, will lose any right to register in subsequent years. Eligibility refers only to the selection procedure currently in progress: no right is granted regarding access to master degree courses in years following the one in which the test was sustained.
From the day following the date of publication of the test results and within five working days, the university administrators will send CINECA, through a confidential web site made for them by the same consortium and which will constitute the only means of communication, the personal data of each candidate contained on the personal data form and a scan of each single personal data form in pdf format. Regarding these procedures, a verbal analytical report will be compiled which the University must make available to the MIUR on the confidential web site.
On 1st of October 2022, on the reserved page of the UNIVERSITALY portal, candidates can see their test, score and their personal data form.
On 6th October 2022, in the part of the University portal area reserved for the candidates, the national ranking list will be published.
The candidate, who following the displacement of each ranking list:
A) has been included in the list of places regarding their first choice, will be ASSIGNED a place and will be required to register at the university and for the course to which the candidate has been ASSIGNED within the time limits set out in art. 9. Should these terms not be complied with, the candidate will lose the right to be enrolled. No form or attempt at justification will be taken into consideration;
B) has not been included in the list of places regarding their first choice, will find another place that has been BOOKED regarding a second choice. Should this happen, the candidate can still register at the first choice university course in accordance with the terms laid out in art. 9 of this call, and can wait until the candidates that precede them in the ranking lists have registered, and following the subsequent displacement of the ranking list, can register if at this point, there are places that have become available. Once candidates that have been BOOKED a place, register at this university, all their other preferences will be automatically cancelled.
On 6th October 2022, in relation to the ranking list and the number of places available at the Universities, the names of the candidates who have been ASSIGNED on or BOOKED for the course in their first choice of university will be published. A list of these candidates will be supplied to each university.
The ranking list and the displacement of the ranking list will be organized according to the following regulations and times:
a) On 6th October 2022, the ranking list will be published on the reserved site with the name of each candidate, their score obtained, and their position in the ranking list for the university they have been “assigned” to or taking into account the ranking position of all the candidates who preceded them in the list and of their preferences if “booked” or “waiting”;
b) “ASSIGNED” candidates must enroll at the University in question according to the administrative procedures specified in art. 9 of this call.
BOOKED candidates can enroll at the University according to the administrative procedures specified in art. 9 of this call.
In order to guarantee the correct management of the national ranking list, it has however been established that, for both ASSIGNED and BOOKED candidates that exercise this right with reference to the specific displacement mechanism, there will be a maximum of 4 (four) days for registration, including the day on which the list has been displaced and Saturdays and holidays.
Should ASSIGNED candidates fail to register within four days, their candidature will be discarded. BOOKED candidates who do not exercise this possibility will not be excluded from the list.
c) Within 5 days of the term referred to in point (a), and by 12.00 noon on the fifth day following each displacement, the day of displacement included and excluding Saturdays and holidays, each University, through its own specific website, will provide the CINECA with the names of registered students.
d) Within 5 days of the term referred to in point (a), and by 12.00 noon on the fifth day following each displacement, the day of displacement included and excluding Saturdays and holidays, all candidates, apart from those already registered and those that have pulled out, must confirm their interest in registering in the reserved area on the Universitaly site. By failing to confirm, candidates will be removed from the national ranking list and will no longer have any right to be enrolled. No form or attempt at justification will be taken into consideration in these cases.
(e) On 13th October 2022, the CINECA, having received the communication referred to in point c), will, in relation to the position in the ranking list and the preferences expressed, publish the new displaced ranking list following the procedures set out in b), c) and d).
f) All other displacements will follow the same procedures and times laid out in b), c) and d).
The Universities will be allowed to enroll candidates who are placed in an eligible ranking position in academic years other than year one only when candidates’ academic qualifications and exams have been officially verified and after having checked the official availability of places for the academic year in question in relation with the number of places assigned to their corresponding quota of students in previous programming. These procedures, together with the withdrawals following enrollment, will lead to the “displacement” of the ranking list in favour of the students who are not registered but who are in a good position in the ranking, but only while there are still places available on the course of the University. Any further requests of transfer or withdrawal successive to the filling of places in the courses will not result in any new displacement in the rankings.
Students who enroll in the Medicine and Surgery course, who were previously enrolled in other degree courses except Medicine and Surgery taught in English, after passed the IMAT exam have to make an application to the student secretary for previously passed exams to be recognized. They must present: certificate listing the exams passed, translated and legalised (translation is not required for transcripts originally produced in English) or the “Diploma Supplement”, if required, official study programmes including all of the curriculum completed to obtain the foreign Academic qualifications, on the headed paper of the foreign University with a signature and stamp, translated ( translation is not required for programmes originally produced in English), and any document for a shortened study programme request.
An official course specification including all of the curriculum which must be signed and stamped by the relevant University.
For the purposes referred to in paragraphs 7 and 8, it is not necessary to pass the test in cases where students are already enrolled in the same degree courses at one of the other Italian university courses, irrespective of whether they are European Union or Non European Union citizens. They can only enter if i) there are available places in the destination year and ii) the didactic commission approve the previuos study programme and exames.
For the 2022/2023 academic year:
# for the one cycle degree courses in Medicine and Surgery in English, the following places are available for academic years following year one and are reserved only to EU-citizend and non-EU citizen legally living in Europe:
MEDICINE AND SURGERY LM-41 | 3rd | none |
MEDICINE AND SURGERY LM-41 | 4th | none |
The places available in the Table above are reserved for those who have passed the entrance test, and which have previous academic qualifications and exam results that have been officially authenticated, and in accordance with art. 3 of the “Regulations for the transfer of students enrolled at Italian or foreign Universities”. In these cases, students will be provided with a place on year 5 or 6 of the degree course.
In cases where the number of successful candidates exceeds the number of places available (as can be seen in the table), the evaluation criteria set out in art. 5 of the aforementioned Regulations of the University issued by Decree of the President of the Republic n. 1772 of June 16th, 2015 will be taken into consideration. At the end of the selection procedure, should there be any available places remaining, the provisions of the Transfer Regulations published on the University site will be followed.
You can find here the call for transfer for the a.y. 22-23: the call is usually issues in mid november.
Last Updated on 29/08/2023