Handbook for the Graduate
The following requirements must be fulfilled according to the times indicated in order to be able to proceed to the…
IMS – International Medical School
Learn today – Lead tomorrow
The following requirements must be fulfilled according to the times indicated in order to be able to proceed to the…
(Corso di Studio (CdS) = Study Program) The recognition practices are evaluated by the Didactic Commission on the basis of…
Corso di Medicina delle Relazioni (Offerta 01/2122) Corso di Bioetica (Offerta 02/2122) Joint in Rheumatology 2021 (Offerta 03/2122) Dal topo all’uomo: aspetti evolutivi,…
Corso di Medicina delle Relazioni (Offerta 01/20) Corso di Bioetica (Offerta 02/20) Focus sul carcinoma mammario in pre-menopausa (Offerta 03/20) Seminari di istituzioni…