Organs and Student representatives
Organs Single-cycle Degree Course Council (CCL) All the professors and the student representatives Didactic commission Proff. Barbaccia, Borgiani, Bosco, Campagnolo,…
IMS – International Medical School
Learn today – Lead tomorrow
Organs Single-cycle Degree Course Council (CCL) All the professors and the student representatives Didactic commission Proff. Barbaccia, Borgiani, Bosco, Campagnolo,…
Medicine and Surgery – General Info Type Single-Cycle Degree Duration 6 years Access modality Programmed number of places (D.M. 270/04)…
ASL Roma 2 Azienda Policlinico Casilino Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù IRCSS Santa Lucia Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed-Pozzilli
Recognition of Activities of the Student’s Choice Request for recognition of the activities chosen by the student The request for…
Access to the Practical Evaluation Internship (TPVES) For carrying out the Practical Evaluation Internship and obtaining the qualifying degree pursuant…