Subject list in alphabetic order
10/06/2016- Anatomic Pathology
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Biology and Genetics
- Chemistry and Introductory Biochemistry
- Clinical practice I
- Clinical practice II
- Clinical practice III
- Clinical Practice VI
- Clinical Symptomatology
- Dermatology and plastic surgery
- Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy
- Diseases of Musculoskeletal System
- Emergencies
- Forensic Medicine
- General Pathology and Physiopathology
- General Surgery
- Histology and Embryology
- Human Anatomy I
- Human Anatomy II
- Human Sciences
- Immunology and Immunopathology
- Internal Medicine and Genetics
- Laboratory Medicine
- Microbiology
- Neurological Sciences
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Pediatric Sciences
- Pharmacology
- Physics and Statistics
- Physiology
- Psychiatry
- Public Health
- Scientific Writing and Research Communication
- Specialistic disciplines
- Systemic Pathology I
- Systemic Pathology II
- Systemic Pathology III
- Tutor 2024/25
Last Updated on 13/03/2023