
Credits (CFU or ECTS)

The degree program in Medicine leads to the degree of Medicine (laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia), which Corresponds to an M.D (Doctor of Medicine) degree in Anglo-American countries. The instruction in the degree program in medicine emphasizes the regular updating of knowledge and has a strong connection to scientific research. The contents of instruction are fully in line with the intended learning outcomes, and they are under constant evaluation and development. All education in the University of Tor Vergata is based on The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which facilitates international transparency and recognition of degrees at an international level. The education in the University is monitored through various quality assurance systems in order to enhance quality and improve international comparability.

The number of ECTS credits is based on the amount of work required to achieve desired learning outcomes for a course or a study module. Today one ECTS credit consists of 25 coursework and workload hours, including at least 50% of study. Each ECTS may correspond to:

  1. 4 hours of problem based learning lessons and 21 hours of study
  2. 12 hours of lectures and 13 hours of study
  3. 25 hours of laboratories and practical activities, including clerkship
  4. 25 hours of laboratory, ADO or elective activities.

Last Updated on 16/02/2023