The degree course in Medicine and surgery aims to provide the scientific basis and the necessary theoretical and practical training for the practice of the medical profession as well as the necessary methodology and culture for the practice of continued learning, and a level of professional, decision-making and operational autonomy, deriving from a training course characterized by a holistic approach to health problems in well or sick people. As well as offering scientific knowledge and the skills for self-evaluation, which are essential to be able to deal with and resolve responsibly the main health problems from the preventive, diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative points of view, the course aims to develop the ability to communicate clearly and with humanity with the patient and family members, to evaluate the complex problems of assistance, and the social, psychological, ethical and spiritual problems connected with terminal illness, to collaborate with different professional figures in group health activities, and to apply the principles of health economics in medical decision-making.
The course is structured on the basis of the principles of local autonomy, of the emerging needs in present-day society and in concordance with the training program of all the Italian medical faculties, agreed in the context of The Permanent Conference of the Presidents of the degree courses in Medicine and Surgery.
The limited number of places available on courses is decided by the MIUR (Ministry of Education) on the basis of the requirements of the SSN (National Health Service).
Last Updated on 09/03/2023