This page is to certify that Mele Domenica is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…
IMS – International Medical School
Learn today – Lead tomorrow
This page is to certify that Mele Domenica is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…
This page is to certify that Mattos Alysson is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…
This page is to certify that Makris Ioannis is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…
This page is to certify that Lin Alessio is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…
This page is to certify that Kobielska Zuzanna is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…
This page is to certify that Khalilpour Ardavan is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…