This page is to certify that Yilmaz Berhan Kurtoglu is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…
IMS – International Medical School
Learn today – Lead tomorrow
This page is to certify that Yilmaz Berhan Kurtoglu is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…
This page is to certify that Stavros Katsaris is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor Vergata.…
This page is to certify that Eouklint Gkertso is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor Vergata.…
This page is to certify that Maria Gigi is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…
This page is to certify that Melopomeni Georgaki is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor…
This page is to certify that Yuxin Gao is a Student at the International Medical School, University of Rome Tor Vergata.…